Carlos Ecaymuzquiz
Executive Producer, Writer, Director.
Cristy Ecaymuzquiz - Murray
Producer, Writer, Director, Editor.
Rookie Films is a Christian Motion Picture Company based in The Rio Grande Valley of South Texas.

Rookie Films was created by father (Carlos Ecaymuzquiz) and daughter (Cristy Ecaymuzquiz) duo in the year 2000 but it wasn't until the summer of 2010 that they officially began the company when the filmed heir first Feature Film titled "El diablo me da risa" (The devil doesn't scare me) utilizing both local talent and resources. That has since then changed as both non-local talent and non-local resources have shown interest and have been part of later productions thus helping the production company to further expand for the glory of God.

Carlos, has been involved with film (and music) in various ways throughout his life. (Music and Film run in the blood)

Cristy, being inspired by her father went on to study and later graduate from The University of Texas Pan American. (She occasionally brought her father along with her to participate in several class projects of hers)


Our purpose is to reach those who are lost and hurting through the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ in all that we do, be it in person, or through our films. Our desire is that all the can know Him, will know Him as it is written in His word. Our mission with our films is that they be utilized not only for entertainment but also as a ministering tool for churches, youth groups, and individuals who seek to open a conversation regarding salvation, the supernatural, faith, family values, and so much more.

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