Drama, Supernatural

Historia: Javier (Carlos Santos) es un hombre con un pasado obscuro y peligroso, el pastor Felix Buenaventura (Mario Alberto Jimenez) se encuentra nuevamente entre la espada y la pared , y Tony (Gabriel Guajardo) es un joven tratando de enmendar su error. Estos tres se encuentran en problemas por el secreto que rodea el acesinato del hermano de Armandina Torres (Ela Martinez) un jefe de crimen peligrosa y en busca de venganza. Con poderes sobrenaturales en pro y contra, Javier y Tony descubriran que tienen el tiempo limitado y tendran que enfrentar una decision que podra salvar o condenar a sus familias a una muerte segura.

Synopsis: Javier (Carlos Santos) is a man with a dark and dangerous past, Pastor Felix Buenaventura (Mario Alberto Jimenez) finds himself between a rock and a hard place once more, and Tony (Gabriel Guajardo), is trying to survive and desperately get out of the crime world he's stuck in. These three find themselves the targets of Armandina Torres (Ela Martinez), a deadly crime boss seeking vengeance for her brother's murder. With supernatural powers working for and against them, Javier and Tony will discover that they have a limited amount of time to make a choice that could ultimately save or condemn their families to a sure death.

Characters Needed

ANDRES TORRES | Age: 20-30 | Ethnicity: White Hispanic | Role: Co-Starring

SANTIAGO "THIAGO" | Age: 28-38 | Ethnicity: White Hispanic | Role: Co-Starring

GRACIA BUENAVENTURA | Age: 17-25 | Ethnicity: Hispanic | Role: Supporting

DEA AGENT VICTOR HERNANDEZ | Age: 20-40 | Ethnicity: Any | Role: Supporting

MARCOS BUENAVENTURA | Age: 18-38 | Ethnicity: Hispanic | Role: Minor

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